Explosion in Belgorod near the Ministry of Internal Affairs building: roads are blocked, there are casualties


Explosion in Belgorod near the Ministry of Internal Affairs building: roads are blocked, there are casualties

In Belgorod, a serious emergency occurred near the building of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Eyewitnesses report a powerful explosion that occurred in the immediate vicinity of the department. Following the incident, emergency services, including fire brigades and ambulances, were immediately dispatched to the scene.

In connection with the incident, the roads adjacent to the Ministry of Internal Affairs building were immediately blocked to ensure safety and simplify access for emergency services. Preliminary reports indicate that there were casualties, but the exact number and extent of their injuries is currently being determined.

Emergency services continue to work at the scene, assessing the damage and investigating the circumstances of the explosion. The reasons for the incident are not yet clear; authorities urge citizens to stay away from the area of ​​the incident and follow the instructions of law enforcement agencies.

UPD: Four people were preliminary injured as a result of a Ukrainian kamikaze drone strike on the building of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Belgorod. All have shrapnel wounds.


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