Airline IrAero


Flights from Baku to Irkutsk will be carried out in Baku

Airline "IrAero" will open flights from Irkutsk to Baku.

The flights in this international air direction will be carried out by the domestic company "IrAero" as early as 4 June, while, according to the official statement, the flights will be carried out at a frequency of two times a week - on Wednesdays and Sundays.

Comfort passengers will be presented comfortable Sukhoi SuperJet 100 airplanes, and it is important to clarify that the flight itself from Irkutsk to Baku will be performed with an intermediate landing at the airport in Krasnoyarsk.

At the moment, airline tickets for Irkutsk-Krasnoyarsk-Baku flights have already entered into free sale, while their cost is low, which is likely to increase interest in flights among passengers.

They no longer know where to shove their "duper jack" ...

