PMC Wagner Serbia


Vučić threatens with criminal prosecution the Serbs recruited in Wagner PMC

Serbs who join Wagner PMC will face criminal prosecution.

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said that the participation of Serbian citizens in hostilities on the territory of Ukraine as part of the PMC "Wagner" is a criminal offense and in the event of such cases (and today it is known that the PMC "Wagner" includes entire units of volunteers from Serbia), the latter will face criminal prosecution in the country.

“I don't need Wagner's support. I don’t need them to applaud or criticize me,” Vucic said, showing irritation for the only time in our conversation. Serbs recruited to fight in Ukraine “will be arrested when they return to Serbia and [are] within the reach of our institutions. They don't recruit like that in a friendly country.", he added, сообщает publication "Politico".

This position of Vučić once again underlines the fact that the President of Serbia is clearly trying to distance himself from Russia. Moreover, this also includes the sanctions promised by Vučić against Russia, the supply of ammunition to Ukraine, criticism of the NVO and the refusal to recognize the entry into Russia of four new regions and Crimea.

Ce Vucic est bien excité contre les Russes!!

Se serait-il vu offrir par les USA un compte dans un paradis fiscal?

Je lui signale que la Légion Etrangère française est composee de recrues... étrangères !!
Et ce sont souvent des malfrats en quête d'une autre identité...



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