Phuket Airport


At the airport in Phuket photographed the passengers-ghosts

At the airport in Phuket, passengers filmed a group of ghosts who landed from an invisible aircraft.

The resource obtained information that the day before, while waiting for their flight, a group of tourists filmed ghost passengers with a mobile phone camera, who were leaving an invisible plane in a hurry. Experts tried to write off the situation as a play of light, however, other citizens confirmed that they personally saw figures of people with hand luggage.

The administration of the airport of Phuket refused to comment on the situation, however, that, at that time, nothing unusual was observed, besides, near the entrance to the landing there were guards and employees of the air harbor.

It's very simple - a malfunction in the matrix ...

Anapa did not have enough money to go to Phuket.

things are there and there are no ghosts :-(
airport advertising

On that they are ghosts, they are not visible.

Well, where in the photo ghosts ?????????

