Aircraft F-35


Pentagon threatens to shoot down Russian planes in Syria

The Pentagon threatened the destruction of Russian aircraft in Syria.

According to Pentagon officials, because Russian military aircraft demonstrate unsafe flights and, in fact, threaten American forces with their actions, the Pentagon will consider the possibility of refusing to cooperate with Russia in the fight against the terrorist group "Islamic State", whose activities are officially banned on the territory of the Russian Federation, which will allow shooting down Russian bombers, fighters and ground-attack planes.

Such a statement has already been regarded by Russia as an aggression, which in turn requires thorough investigation, but it is obvious that the Pentagon is concerned about the successes of Russian ICS in the fight against IGIL, since in this case, peace will finally return to Syria.

Of course we forgot it would be advisable to recall a visual example!

At the first attempt of provocation by the US pilot to shoot him down without hesitation. We need to remind them how we shot them down in Vietnam, if they forgot it.

It's time to use the REB at full power.

It would be necessary to TRIP the brave "warriors"

