Airline Komiaviatrans


On the first flight Vladimir - St Petersburg was only 3 passenger

Flights between Vladimir and St. Petersburg are not popular.

This conclusion was made by experts after the domestic air carrier "Komiaviatrans" made its first flight between these cities. This kind of opinion is mainly due to the fact that only three people used the first flight, while for the payback of flights, the load of the aircraft should reach at least 75% (the primary indicator is only 6% - Ed.) .

It should be clarified that flights on this route are subsidized from the state budget, however, the cost of the flight is still quite high, and that is why the flights are most likely not to be of interest to citizens.

And now the umbrellas and mobile phones will be weighed. Who will you carry the gentlemen of the flyers, - Air?

It would be better to make a flight from Krasnodar to Sochi. Or in Gelendzhik. 100 km to the sea - and from behind traffic jams you can get to the sea

Have you been in this "poor" region?

Of course they will not be popular. This is one of the many poverty-stricken regions of Russia, people seem to make ends meet.

