
F-22 fighter squadron deployed to Russian borders

The United States deployed a squadron of F-22 fighters to Estonia.

The US military has deployed fifth-generation F-22 Raptor fighter jets to Estonia's Ämari air base near Tallinn, according to the US Air Force Command in Europe. This step was taken to contain potential aggression in the Baltic Sea area, after the movement of fighters from Poland to Estonia.

One squadron of F-22 Raptors has been stationed on the outskirts of the Estonian capital, although their exact number has not been disclosed. It is reported that since April of this year, twelve American F-22 Raptor fighters have been stationed in Poland.

The American F-22 Raptor fighter is designed to fight against an air enemy, provide cover for troops and rear facilities from air strikes, as well as counter enemy air reconnaissance. A multifunctional aircraft capable of performing tasks under any meteorological conditions.

Experts do not exclude that the deployment of F-22 fighters in the region may be caused, among other things, by Finland joining NATO.

lamentablemente rusia esta muy atrasada tecnologicamente y no puede enfrentar a la otan, de hecho ni siquiera puede con el donbas y mucho menos podria contra polonia o los balticos... eso pasa por no tener nacionalismo y no tener soberania tecnologica competitiva



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