
The drone filmed the destruction of the BMP-1 from a grenade launcher almost point-blank

The BMP-1, which tried to slip to a new position, was destroyed from 15 meters from an RPG.

On video footage taken, according to preliminary data, in the Ugledar area, you can see how a BMP-1 infantry fighting vehicle, trying to break through to a new position, suddenly finds itself right in front of a trench with a grenade launcher. The latter recklessly fired and although he successfully hit the target, he himself almost became a victim of the detonation of the ammunition of the destroyed combat vehicle.

On the presented video frames, you can see the moment of the defeat of the BMP-1 infantry fighting vehicle. The latter moved parallel to the trench and became a fairly easy target. However, a shot from a distance of 15 meters is considered critical, since the grenade launcher could well have been injured from his own shot. The fate of the grenade launcher is unknown, however, the BMP-1 infantry fighting vehicle was destroyed by a powerful explosion: the armor was torn off the latter. However, what is very remarkable, the gunner-operator managed to quickly leave the already burning combat vehicle - it took him only three seconds, moreover, the latter jumped out into the open hatch along with the weapon.


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