US missile
System Designation Control missiles the US

Notation managed

US missiles


Missiles Army and the US Navy have designations that consist of several alphanumeric codes that define the class (purpose) of the projectile, branch of service, which was developed by order of the projectile, type of projectile and modification. By the designation, as a rule, added the name of a shell.

Depending on the purpose-driven missiles are divided into four main classes, which have the following codes:

  • class "surface-to-earth» - SSM (Surface to Surface Missile) - shell for firing from the ground (vehicles) on land or sea targets;

  • class "surface-to-air» -SAM (Surface to Air Missile) - shell for firing from the ground (ships) at air targets, also called zenytnym shell;

  • class "air-to-ground» -ASM (Air to Surface Missile) - shell for shooting from aircraft against ground and sea targets;

  • class "air-to-air" - AAM (Air to Air Missile) - shell for firing from planes at air targets.

For example, the designation managed missile SAM-A-7 «Nike» is interpreted as follows: SAM - guided missile for use of the land (the ship) at air targets (index class), A - the army (the index of the armed forces of the customer), 7 - type seventh (index types), "Nike" -naimenovanie projectile.


System Designation Control missiles the US



The US Air Force to 1955, the system did not have the special designation of controlled rockets; they bear the symbol depending on the application, by analogy with manned aircraft.

In 1955 was adopted naming system controlled missiles being developed by order of the US Air Force, according to which the shells are divided depending on the purpose for the following five groups:

  • GAR (Guided Air Rocket) -aviatsionny shell intended for firing at air targets and provided with powder or liquid propellant (missile of class "air-to-air");

  • GAM (Guided Air Missile) - Aviation, a shell intended for firing at ground or sea targets (missile of class "air-land");

  • IM (Interceptor Missile) - projectile designed to intercept aerial targets from ground launchers (missile of class "surface-to-air");

  • TM (Tactical Missile) - shell designed for shooting objects in the operational and tactical depth, with ground-based launchers (missile of class "surface-to-earth");

  • SM (Strategic Missile) - the shell intended for shooting at long range (over 1000 km) - a ground-based launchers (missile of class "earth-land").


To index the destination shell added type number and the name of the shell. For example, the shell of TM-61- «Matador" is interpreted as follows: TM - round, designed for shooting objects in the operational and tactical depth, 61 - type of the sixty-first, "Matador" - the name of a shell.


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