Decisions taken by the operator and pilot. Aviation and science.
Decisions taken by the operator and pilot. Aviation and science.

Decisions taken by the operator and pilot.

Aviation and science.



Solution Human (D, decision), we define an act of will, the previous action. The phase space Ω The right person decisions are not the point. This is a field of many favorable outcomes of activity (flight), in which the entropy does not increase. Outside this field, the space structure can be designed in a variety of configurations. Inside the field with many favorable outcomes, we do not design the structure, postulating that each outcome of the decision is favorable.

Let's explain this with an example. You are driving a car on a two-row or multi-lane road. On your side, you can take a position of favorable outcomes on any lane. However, approaching the far left lane has an increased likelihood of an unfavorable outcome of movement. Departure on the counter through a double continuous dividing strip already becomes a field or a set of adverse outcomes of the trip. The will and decision in this case can be considered as critical, exceeding the degree of openness and balance of the established form. Likewise, an aircraft on a preplant straight line has a course and glide path prescribed by the standard that can never be sustained with absolute precision, but within the limits of field deviations with favorable outcomes. There are innumerable examples of such activities. 

Our challenge is to define the criteria and parameters of the structural design of the space-time field enabling activities and structuring of its borders. Perhaps one of the initial steps of structuring activities will act activity (Ai) Or omission (A0) Of the subject. Then we have a couple of sets (Ai V A0) And elections: a) the action, if necessary, the absence of action; b) failure to act, if necessary, action. The next step may refer to the description of the number or volume (V, volume) action or operation. Favorable outcome corresponds to a variety of choices on the criterion sufficiency the amount corresponding to the plurality electoral field operations balanced state (Vb). The following structural form is formed according to the criterion of the sufficiency of the number of activities: (V1 <Vb <V2) Wherein V1 It corresponds to failure, and V2 - Excessive amount of work. Favorable outcome of activities in time to meet the criteria timeliness. Just-in-time decisions and actions correspond to a plurality of unstructured time (Tb) Balanced state activities. Early T1 T or later2 action is balanced field forms inequality (T1  <Tb  <T2). Continuum making elementary structure of activity in the phase space is given by:

ΩD = F {(Ai V A0) + (V1 <Vb <V2) + (T1  <Tb  <T2 )}

An example of the amount of action in flight activity would be redundancy and inadequacy of thrust and speed in flight. The combination of timeliness at landing and landing speed will already be a synthesis of criteria. Judgments and related decisions are reduced to determining the configuration of the problem distributed in time. Their presentation and commentary are given in the diagram. There are six types of wrong decision errors or resource incongruence identified here.




The first pair of erroneous decisions (actions): “To do - not to do” is the key one and, in flight practice, it refers more often to making decisions about departure, about landing, to decisions to leave 

to an alternate airfield, etc. The second pair of decision errors relates to the scope of the task: "Redo - Unfinished." These errors are less noticeable, have a hidden latent nature, as they are associated with quantitative calculations. They are more difficult to control and anticipate. The third pair "Early to do - Late to do" refers to an understanding and a sense of timing and timeliness. Apparently, these types of errors are of the deepest character.

To formalize the process of decision-making error-free use of fuzzy logic device. We introduce the following calculation scale: DND (do-not-do) OR (amount of work), the Foreign Intelligence Service (timeliness).

DND Î {0, 1} - scale consists only of two values: a "must do" or "not to do" (classical scale "truth-lie").

OR Î [0, 1] - a segment of the real numbers to the 0 1. On this scale, we introduce the following variables: "untill" - unfinished, which has a fuzzy membership function mNedo: [0, 1] ® [0, 1], «re" - alter, the function mPere: [0, 1] ® [0, 1], «enough» - menough: [0, 1] ® [0, 1].

SVR Î [0, 1] - a segment of the real numbers to the 0 1. On this scale, we introduce the following variables: "early" - unfinished, which has a fuzzy membership function mearly: [0, 1] ® [0, 1], «late» - alter, the function mlate: [0, 1] ® [0, 1], «promptly» - mtimely: [0, 1] ® [0, 1].

Thus, a space where decisions are made that forms the three dimensions (SVR'OR' [0, 1]), these two spaces: one corresponds to the choice "not to do", the second - "to do." After be defined membership functions (mNedo, mPere, mearly, mlate, menough, mtimely) And the rules of logic, it will be possible to make decisions. Assessment of the situation is to define these functions. These functions can form a smooth surface, i.e. implement mutual factor volume and timeliness of the task.

The height of the point on the surface indicates the level of "timeliness" and "sufficient". Probably the most optimal solution must be taken from the highest point of the surface. While it may be a different strategy. For example, when the parameter is taken into account at the same time "late" and "untill" ie the task is already running, but left unfinished, and time is too late, that is, further task is already unsafe. Detailing the scheme will take place as early as it is applied to the experimental data.


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