fighter aircraft
fighter aircraft

fighter aircraft


Appointment of fighter aircraft

The purpose is to destroy the fighter -aviatsii enemy in aerial combat and on the ground, to ensure its forces and immovable objects from attack by enemy aircraft, destroying balloons observations and barriers, ensuring their fighting aircraft and, if necessary, provision of aerial work and spotters.

Fighter aircraft can be used to attack ground troops, as well as to carry out reconnaissance missions in the interest of combined arms, and Air Command.


Combat the use of fighter aircraft

The struggle for supremacy (domination) in the air is carried out in various ways and means, depending on their goals. There are fighting for the operational and tactical command of the air.

Operational control of the air involves the conquest of the air at the time of the operation carried out by ground forces, and requires the destruction of the enemy air force, sources of replenishment, and supply them as well as the destruction of an enemy airfield network.

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The struggle for tactical supremacy pursuing limited objectives: not to give the enemy aviation the opportunity to work on a particular section of the front in the course of time, measured in hours.

Fighting for the operational control of the air is carried by all types of combat aircraft and air defense systems, and on fighter aircraft, in this case falls specific tasks to ensure other types of aircraft battle with opposing air forces of the enemy.


Capture operational air supremacy is intended to:

  • a) Ensure that by aerial reconnaissance and attack striking force of its troops in the main operating direction;

  • b) ensure the operation of logistics and traffic routes on the main operational direction and key points of defense; c) to ensure the freedom of its air operations not only in their territory and on the battlefield, but also in the enemy rear.


In this fight for a single-fighter aircraft will form the problem: a) in conjunction with the destruction of air defense of enemy planes, penetrating © rear; b) the destruction of enemy aircraft in aerial combat outbreaks, formed at the front and rear of the enemy (100-150 km).

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In two-seat fighter aircraft self fight against enemy aircraft and ensuring the actions of other types of military aircraft throughout the operational depth (up to 300-500 km).

On multi-fighter: a) support of its bombers to the area of ​​their activities and providing them from enemy aircraft during the execution of the task; b) reacting a single and double fighters in their struggle both on its territory and over the territory of the enemy.

In double and multi-seat fighter aircraft that perform tasks bomber escort and ground attack aircraft, assigned exploration and suppression of air defenses, and sometimes they are directly involved in the bombing and shelling of terrestrial objects to be destroyed.

In the present ratio (quantitative) types of combat aircraft fighter aircraft can achieve their own means only tactical air superiority over a relatively small area (20-30 km) and for a period of time measured by finding the fighters in the area.


Capture tactical air supremacy intended to:

  • a) protection of important groups of troops on the battlefield and in the rear of the air reconnaissance and attack;

  • b) protection of objects in the rear;

  • c) ensure the combat of other types of aircraft from enemy aircraft, not only on the battlefield, but also over the territory of the enemy.

Tactical domination for longer periods is achieved not only the actions of fighters in the air, but also the suppression of enemy air force on its airfields other kinds of combat aircraft. In case of a successful attack on the airfields of the air will be captured at a time, until the enemy will concentrate fresh air forces from other areas, capable of creating a balance of power in the air.

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Providing ground troops

Common tasks istrebitelnoyaviatsii towards ground troops are to provide stealth positioning and maneuvering ground forces and security from the attacks of the enemy aviation.

Fighter aircraft belongs to the Army (Frontal, High Command) in the aviation and military units are not included. Depending on the situation and problems of the combat fighter aircraft will contribute to the military units, remaining at the disposal of the army command, and only in some cases will be transferred to a temporary operational control of the commanders of military units.

Fighter aircraft operating over the area of ​​the location of their troops, acting in close coordination with them. This alignment is achieved by setting specific objectives, which clearly set out in battle order.

The necessary interaction with the ground forces fighter is expressed: a) in conjunction with the actions of the fighters actions of ground troops in time and place; b) reliable communication in the organization; . C) resubordination in some cases (actions in the department, etc.) Single and Double Fighter Command troops, for which it will operate; g) transfer of single-seat fighters on aerodromes located close to the protected object.

The main ways of performing tasks covering forces are: a) the duty on the ground; b) duty in the air (patrols); o) ambush in air; g) ambush on earth.

Duty on the ground (at the airport) is performed in two or three shifts. The first shift is always ready to take off; the second shift intrudes in the first place in the event of departure and has a shelf ready to 5 minutes. If you have a third shift is the latest in a position of rest and can be gotocha through 1-1,5 hours. In the winter term availability is increased by 25%.

Duty air patrols carried out on the object which is covered. Patrol aircraft carried out in groups of 3-5 two or three heights.

Patrols of the lower tier are held at the height of 500-1 500 I have a mission to provide from the assault of attacks. Patrols of the second tier are held at the height of 3-4 OOO OOO m for by bombing from medium altitudes. The upper tier of the patrols is to 5-6 OOO OOO meters from the high-rise for the bombing. When low clouds at a height limited to patrolling the lower and middle tiers.

The duration of each patrol hours about 1. 15 m. The diameter of each patrol patrolled 10-15 km zone.

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Ambush in the air patrols are carried out in a certain direction, mainly to capture the enemy intelligence.

Ambush on the ground carried out manned fighters on the ground small groups on the most threatened areas. Fighters are located on the landing grounds, applying measures careful camouflage and concealment. Departures reportedly made posts to contribute, to open fire antiaircraft artillery or after the personal supervision of detection.

Ambush on earth reach the goal only if the opponent slow-moving aircraft.


Tasks of fighter aircraft in the oncoming battle  


During the preparation of the march of his troops:

  • a) suppress the airfields of the enemy reconnaissance, assault and light bomber aviation;

  • b) to provide reconnaissance of military aviation in the zone of operation of enemy fighter aircraft;

  • c) to ensure the area where the troops are located from observation and aerial reconnaissance of the enemy.


During the march:

  • a) ensure the movement of columns on the march in the most dangerous places (at crossings over river barriers, when passing through narrows, narrows and open spaces);

  • b) ensure the work of reconnaissance and combat aviation.


In the period of the avant-gardes and the main forces:

  • a) in cooperation with anti-aircraft weapons, ensure the deployment of the main forces in battle formation from air reconnaissance;

  • b) to seize tactical air supremacy over the area of ​​the enemy's eye forces in order to ensure the work of its own combat and military aviation.


Tasks of fighter aircraft in the attack on the defending enemy.

The main tasks of fighter aircraft are solved according to three periods of this type of combat ground troops.


During the preparation of the offensive approach and classes starting position fighter aircraft must:

  • a) ensure from air reconnaissance and observation the occupation of the initial position by shock groupings of troops;

  • b) directly ensure the work of corps and artillery aviation in more intense and critical periods of their operation;

  • c) in the struggle for tactical air supremacy, together with attack aircraft and bombers, take part in the destruction of enemy airfields or suppression of enemy air forces by fighting against his air force.

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In the period from the beginning of the attack before the onset of the breakthrough:

  • a) ensure tactical air superiority over the breakthrough development echelon;

  • b) ensure tactical dominance over the battlefield in the interests of the first echelon troops and military aviation.


During the development of a breakthrough:

  • a) to ensure air supremacy in the depths of the enemy's location in the area of ​​action of the breakthrough development echelon;

  • b) ensure the main grouping of artillery when it changes positions.


During pursuit:

  • a) ensure the actions of ground attack and light-bomber aviation;

  • b) cover the pursuing columns from enemy air attacks.


The missions of fighter aviation in an offensive with overcoming a water obstacle: to cover bridges and troops crossing them from attacks and attacks of an air enemy.

Tasks fighter, aviation in a defensive battle.


During the period of the opponent's defensive approach to the band:

  • a) ensure the combat work of its military aviation;

  • b) prevent the enemy's close reconnaissance aircraft to our location.


During the defense of the front edge:

  • ensure work jets and artillery observation in key areas of the battlefield.


During the battle in his defensive zone:

  • a) to provide decisive opposition to enemy battlefield observation aircraft;

  • b) ensure the work of artillery aircraft;

  • c) ensure the actions of its own assault and light bomber aviation;

  • d) to secure their counter-attacking groups from an air attack;

  • e) in case of special need to attack the enemy's breaking through units.


Tasks fighter aircraft on departure:

  • a) to ensure the area of ​​collapsing into convoys of its troops from air surveillance and reconnaissance, and troops collapsing into columns from an air attack;

  • b) to ensure the work of its reconnaissance aircraft while observing the flanks and enemy troops;

  • c) provide, in cooperation with anti-aircraft weapons, crossings and gorges on the way of retreating troops;

  • d) in the event of a deep penetration of individual enemy groups into the disposition of retreating troops or when a detour is detected that threatens to cut off the path of withdrawal of friendly forces, by an air attack, delay the further advance of these enemy groups.


Special types of military fighter aircraft work

In addition to these problems, in the fighter aircraft can be assigned attack ground targets in the interest of ground troops and Air Force (fire attack air defense system of points, the enemy air force attack on its airfields, including the destruction of balloons and airships).

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To fulfill these tasks fighter aircraft involved:

  • a) with a lack of available aviation for other purposes;

  • b) in case of stubborn enemy resistance in the air, when the command decides to send all available aviation to carry out these tasks;

  • c) in cases when it is difficult for aircraft of the corresponding types of aviation to cope with the task (reconnaissance of airfields guarded by fighters).


The main objects of ground attack fighter aircraft may be:

  • a) infantry, cavalry, artillery and motorized units in marching columns, especially when passing through narrows (crossings, difficult-to-pass road, etc.);

  • b) infantry, cavalry, artillery and mechanized units in concentrated formations (in reserve, on vacation, during loading and unloading at railway stations);

  • c) airplanes on the airfield, balloons on the ground;

  • d) military trains;

  • e) transport units and logistic establishments in motion and on the spot;

  • f) anti-aircraft batteries, searchlight stations, etc.

Means lesions are selected depending on the nature and purpose of sizes; mainly used small arms fire and fragmentation bombs.


The use of fighter aircraft for reconnaissance purposes

In some cases, fighter aircraft and reconnaissance tasks lie in the interests of the ground troops, so particularly in the interest of the Air Force.

Exploration carried out by fighters in all cases where the reconnaissance aircraft as a result of the air enemy aircraft is not able to penetrate into the zone that requires monitoring.

The most typical case of use as a reconnaissance fighter in the interest of the Air Force reconnaissance of enemy targets is protected by its fighters.

Fighters may, if necessary, to extract data for exploration along the way with the implementation of their missions.

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